Judith and Antoine were lovers for a brief time. Then, just like that, brutally, it ended. Nine years later, they meet again and attempt to revive their old passion.
They dream of rewriting their history, of burning the memories that are still tearing at their souls. But each is obsessed with the other’s past and the beautiful dream transforms itself little by little into a prison, a shared bout of craziness into which even the reader finds himself irresistibly drawn. Their madness becomes our own, their jealousy eats away at us. Their homicidal impulse is the basis for this roman noir, expertly crafted by an author who chooses his words well in describing the intermittency of the human heart, as well as the lethal, absolute character of sexual passion. “About these men, these women that have left their mark on our lives, there is nothing we can do. Some of the traces are superficial: an expression here, a habit there, a particular way of preparing coffee, or of folding clothes. However, most of the changes we have undergone are invisible and have become integral parts of who we are. We are hardly conscious of them. Who knows just how much Antoine’s gaze has been molded by temptations of which he has no recollection? Who knows just how much the caresses he bestows upon my body owe to the lessons he learned while giving pleasure to others?”
Ce que la presse en dit
« Emmanuel Kattan plonge dans la fiction avec l'intelligence d'une pensée forgée à l'école de la philosophie, mais surtout, une acuité psychologique qui réussit fort bien à l'aune du suspense angoissant. »
Elsa Pépin - Ici
« Emmanuel Kattan lance un premier titre impressionnant de maturité, fruit d'un savant mélange des genres. »
Tristan Malavoy-Racine - Voir
« Une façon de faire habile qui nous maintient sur un suspense digne d'un bon roman policier. Troublant.
Valérie Gaudreau - Le Soleil
« On est pris dans ce destin tragique. Un livre fort intéressant. Un très très bon livre. »
Raymond Cloutier - Vous m'en lirez tant/Radio-Canada
« Dans une langue classique et belle, l'auteur triture la forme, brise la chronologie, casse les conventions. [...] Pas de doutes, Emmanuel Kattan a du talent. Vivement un prochain roman. »
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